Coming Soon! A New Book by Prof. John Rizvi, Esq.

We are proud to announce that Prof. Rizvi, Esq., will shortly be releasing his debut book Escaping the gray: When Launching Your New Idea is the Only Option. It’s scheduled to be released on September 1, 2016 (or earlier) and will be accompanied by a book signing event at Barnes & Noble. Stay tuned to this site for more details!

Inventors and entrepreneurs know that the joy of creating something that changes everything is tempered with the terror of failure. Some of the greatest leaps of faith in human history were viewed as madness before they became revolutionary developments that altered everything about the way we live, work and play.


By turns funny and serious, whimsical and straightforward, vulnerable and honest, John Rizvi details his journey from resigning as a patent attorney from one of the most prestigious and revered patent law firms in the world – a firm that counted Bell, Edison, the Wright Brothers and Ford among its distinguished client roster – to going out on his own to represent tomorrow’s leaders in innovation.

If you are an inventor or entrepreneur with a new idea, you cannot help but relate to the long, exhilarating, and yet sometimes painful journey of creating something new. Follow along and discover the secrets behind doggedly pursuing your dreams and the courage to risk escaping the gray in your life.

If you would like more information about pricing and availability please contact us below. We will also add you to our mailing list.

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