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Mailchimp And Zoho Popup

Mailchimp And Zoho Popup

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Patent PPC - Free Consultation

PPC landing page form for Vince.

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Trademark PPC - Free Consultation

PPC landing page form

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Thank you - Free Escaping The Gray PDF

Free download form for Escaping the Gray.

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Micro-Entity Contact Form

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  • By entering your information, you consent to communications from John Rizvi, P.A. - The Patent Professor®. You may unsubscribe anytime.
  • Micro-Entity Qualification

    The patent office offers inventors a 75% reduction in the governmental fees associated with a patent filing for inventors that qualify as a “micro-entity”. In order to qualify, please confirm that you meet the following three (3) requirements by selecting each button below that applies:
  • The patent application will be filed either: (a) listing me as an individual inventor or co-inventor; or (b) the patent application will be filed on behalf of a corporate entity that has fewer than 500 employees.
  • 2) My personal gross income (or my individual portion of a total household income) for last year, as reported to the IRS, was less than $184,116
  • 3) I have not previously filed more than four (4) patent applications* (*) provisional patent applications, foreign(non-U.S.) applications, PCT applications, and applications that have been assigned (or are subject to an obligation to assign to a previous employer, should NOT be included when calculating this total. (However, in the event that you believe that you have been an inventor or co-inventor on a patent application that falls into one of these categories, you should email the Patent Attorney assisting you to ensure that the respective application(s) should not be included).
  • Please confirm you qualify*

    By checking the box below I confirm that I meet the criteria for a micro-entity described above and realize that a false claim of micro-entity status shall be considered fraud on the U.S. Patent Office and can result in the complete invalidity of a patent and loss of patent rights.
    Note: If you do not meet the criteria above, you can still qualify as a micro-entity if you are employed by a U.S. institution of higher learning, such as a college or university, or have assigned your rights in the application to the institution of higher learning. If this is the case, please discuss your qualifications for the micro-entity discount with one of our attorneys.
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Software Patent PPC - Free Consultation

Software PPC landing page form for Vince.

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Medical Patent PPC - Free Consultation

Medical PPC landing page form for Vince.

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Patent PPC - Spanish

PPC landing page form for Vince.

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New Referral VIP Contact Form

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Patent PPC - One-Pager

PPC landing page form for Vince.

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